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Want to get involved!? Here's your chance!


A mockumentary comedy about 5 actors that make their living, playing dead.


Cast, Crew & Dancer Opportunities!

Scroll down to see all of the ways you can be part of our next film!

Almost Thriller Dance Crew!

2pm - 6pm

Saturday, October 23rd

What to Expect:


The “Almost Thriller Under the Arch”, although taking place on the same day as the awesome Reno Zombie Crawl, is a separate event, taking place on a closed film set - so if you haven’t already signed up - make sure to do it soon to guarantee  you'll be able to participate! Click Here to Register!



Choreography will be made available via a video tutorial, and we will run rehearsals the day of the event for those that want to make sure they have the routines nailed down.



  • Must be in the check-in line, no later than 3:30 p.m. to participate. Pedestrian Walkways will be locked down at 3:30 p.m. so that our production trucks and lights can be installed safely for the shoot.

  • Talent will have their picture taken & will be asked to sign a general release.

  • We will have a secure “Coat Check” area for bags, coats and personal belongings that are not allowed on set.

  • Talent Costume & Make-Up Check. Note: Trademarked Costumes may not be used during filming. Non-Trademarked Costumes with Logos (Nike, etc.) may be temporarily altered to avoid trademark issues.



  • Talent will be asked to commit to staying until 6pm. 

  • Talent can expect to be asked to perform the film’s short “Almost Thriller” dance up to 6 times - this is to ensure we have shot everything from multiple angles. Links to the Choreography will be emailed to you upon registration.

  • Once we’ve completed the “Almost Thriller” Dance, we’ll film the real “Thriller Dance” and talent can expect to dance the routine up to 3 times. This is so we can give participants a great cut of their performance for personal use :)


We will have snacks, water and restrooms available during the shoot.



  • 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Dance Team Pre-Check in

  • 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: Individual Dancer/Participant Check-in & Rehearsals

  • 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: Everyone on Set

  • 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.: Filming

  • 6:00 p.m. - Release Talent



Cast/Dancers/Crew - You can work 1, 2, 3 or all 4 days!

Thursday, October 21st - Day One

Friday, October 22nd - Day Two

Saturday, October 23rd - Day Three

Sunday, October 24th - Day Four

1K Cast Opportunities Available

50+ Crew Opportunities Available


Sign-up here to learn more about joining our teams:


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