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A mockumentary comedy about 5 actors that make their living, playing dead.
Cast, Crew & Dancer Opportunities!
Scroll down to see all of the ways you can be part of our next film!

Almost Thriller Dance Crew!
2pm - 6pm
Saturday, October 23rd
What to Expect:
The “Almost Thriller Under the Arch”, although taking place on the same day as the awesome Reno Zombie Crawl, is a separate event, taking place on a closed film set - so if you haven’t already signed up - make sure to do it soon to guarantee you'll be able to participate! Click Here to Register!
Choreography will be made available via a video tutorial, and we will run rehearsals the day of the event for those that want to make sure they have the routines nailed down.
Must be in the check-in line, no later than 3:30 p.m. to participate. Pedestrian Walkways will be locked down at 3:30 p.m. so that our production trucks and lights can be installed safely for the shoot.
Talent will have their picture taken & will be asked to sign a general release.
We will have a secure “Coat Check” area for bags, coats and personal belongings that are not allowed on set.
Talent Costume & Make-Up Check. Note: Trademarked Costumes may not be used during filming. Non-Trademarked Costumes with Logos (Nike, etc.) may be temporarily altered to avoid trademark issues.
Talent will be asked to commit to staying until 6pm.
Talent can expect to be asked to perform the film’s short “Almost Thriller” dance up to 6 times - this is to ensure we have shot everything from multiple angles. Links to the Choreography will be emailed to you upon registration.
Once we’ve completed the “Almost Thriller” Dance, we’ll film the real “Thriller Dance” and talent can expect to dance the routine up to 3 times. This is so we can give participants a great cut of their performance for personal use :)
We will have snacks, water and restrooms available during the shoot.
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Dance Team Pre-Check in
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: Individual Dancer/Participant Check-in & Rehearsals
4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: Everyone on Set
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.: Filming
6:00 p.m. - Release Talent
Cast/Dancers/Crew - You can work 1, 2, 3 or all 4 days!
Thursday, October 21st - Day One
Friday, October 22nd - Day Two
Saturday, October 23rd - Day Three
Sunday, October 24th - Day Four
1K Cast Opportunities Available
50+ Crew Opportunities Available
Sign-up here to learn more about joining our teams: